mt 16 x mt 8 with coverage mt 10.
A special Truck carries a trailer that turns into a big stage.
From great concert.
The truck is equipped with coverage, audio/light service, ledwall and any certification needed to meet the width of a large square or audience.
Set-up time
In just 6' and 40"
A remote-controlled mechanism will open and close the large pre-fitted stage with the best technology and necessary certifications.
A massive show
In less than 7 minutes, a unique truck in Italy will turn into a large pre-fitted stage with the best technology! From 25 to 150 artists on stage: musicians, singers and national singers will be the protagonists of an unforgettable concert ready to engage the audience! The light-design designed ad-hoc will enchant the audience.

We arrive on all the squares
Our concerts - Show with lights, effects and great cast - have been appreciated by over 150,000 spectators in the biggest theaters, squares and Italian TV. An optimized and successful formula. Proeventi offers a turnkey solution to bring the show to any open-air venue.
Le Nostre Produzioni
Dal Pop al Rock, dal Gospel al Musical internazionale suonato dal vivo e cantato da grandi voci soliste, supportate da un coro d’eccezione. Michael Jackson, Queen, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Elton John, Madonna, U2, George Michael, Cindy Lauper, Beatles... Un grande spettacolo di luci e musica! The Phantom of the Opera, Les Miserables, Evita, Grease, Sister Act, Rocky Horror Show, Jesus Christ Superstar, Cats, Lion King, Notre Dame de Paris, The Greatest Showman, La La Land... Grandi cantanti solisti e musicisti, supportati da un coro fino a 100 voci, che uniti nel concerto-spettacolo daranno vita a uno show di grande coinvolgimento emotivo per il pubblico.
"Everything in my life is music, because everything in life is show. Now that I’m talking to you, I’m doing a show for you. When you listen to my record, I’m doing a show for you at your house."